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Discussion of Fundamentals

Video Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Religion/Left Hand Parth work group

A Start

HS, firstly I think it best for us to define exactly what Left Hand Path means. I'm sure we all have our own meanings with some commoniality between them. How bout as a start each one of us write at least a paragrph on their definition and after that we all work together to make the paragraphs one. Just a thought, I'm not trying to lead, but I am trying to create a solid foundaion on which to build. I re-read Crowleys chapters on the left hand path, originally read in my very early 20's. I will write a summery of his work and paste it here for the rest of you to mull over. I'd like to hold off on this until I see some other peoples definitions. But if no one steps up to the plate I will cast the first stone into the pond of blackness. Pehaps the splash and the ripples will wake the sleepy hands to write. ISNRev. Michael S. Margolin 19:30, 13 January 2007 (UTC)

defining what Left Hand Path means is fine, though it should probably stem from a popular source such as you have pointed out in Flowers or some other pro-LHP text. as it extends and broadens to include more and more the direction and interest of this work group may be somewhat limited to its purpose, but as long as those who are part of it form a consensus on what the adjectival phrase means to them that seems pragmatically viable. quote some of your favourites, rather than merely mentioning things. thanks.-- self-ref (nagasiva yronwode) (talk)

Here is a pdf of Crowleys chapter Left hand path the black brothers. There are alot of refrences to "The Vision and the Voice" and Chronzon. If any of you need help with the chapter I'd be more than happy to help. It is a rather advanced read in Magick. http://www.hermetic.com/crowley/mwt/mwt_12.htmlRev. Michael S. Margolin 04:25, 14 January 2007 (UTC)

What is really needed are references that show the development of the concept of a Left Hand Path in the West in the mid 20th Century that take Crowley's negative view of the LHP (as that of a failed initiate) and spin it 180 to make it an intended path of its own. Possible dates would be between 1945 and 1975 (when ample documentation of the Satanist/LHP conjunction becomes clear, obvious, and easy to find). Does anyone have an issue archive of the Cloven Hoof from the Church of Satan? Or publications from Grant's Typhonian OTO? The COS and TOTO being the most obvious (to me) groups to have taken up Crowley's ideas about the LHP/Black Brothers and run with them. --Koronis 00:46, 2 July 2007 (UTC)
"Left Hand Path" originates as a term in India as 'Vama Marg' and relates to the more transgressive social dimension of Tantra Yoga in its steeper incline potentially extending into incest and other tabus. Orientalists such as Kellner and Reuss, later Crowley and Grant, sought to give the impression of some relation to it varying as to composure. your suggestion to examine early Satanist literature such as that of the CoS or ToS is a good one. I'll see what i can come up with in my archives or searching online for the term's development and quote from what i find.-- self-ref (nagasiva yronwode) (talk)


in a cursory examination of the Scroll of Set, it took me until issue #9 before i got to anything indicative (May 1976):
"The A.'.A.'. & O.T.O. think they practice the philosophy of the Right-Hand Path. In essence that means that they seek to unite the individual consciousness with that of the God/the gods/the Universe. In this they are no different than all of the world's conventional religions, which, via one mythology or another, seek to obliterate the unnatural self and return to non-conscious harmony with nature ... {elipses part of the original document}
"Unlike conventional religions, however, the A.'.A.'. & O.T.O. pursue this goal via an initiatory system which, paradoxically, calls for a greater and greater use of the individual intellect. Upon becoming a "Babe of the Abyss", according to Crowley, the Adept renounces his I.Q. and unites his consciousness with that of the Universe. But then, as a Master of the Temple, he is supposed to be more ingenious than ever at manipulating the same Universe (i.e. magic). You can see the contradictions here, and so you can see why no one except Crowley himself was ever able to attain the Magister Templi level and not make an idiot of himself.
"So how did Crowley manage it? The answer is that he did not renounce his consciousness. Rather he strengthened and expanded it to the point that he was able to redesign his perceptual universe in accordance with his will. This is the identifying characteristic of the Left-Hand Path, which involves the separation and distinction of the individual from the objective universe. To develop and sustain such a presence of mind (will) is extremely difficult, because it involves the systematic wrenching-loose of the mind from the multitude of natural influences which constantly surround it.
"There is also the danger that the Black Magician may attain such freedom only to lose touch with the mundane Universe of physical events - the "everyday world." Under such conditions the Black Magician may behave in a manner dictated by the subjective universe that he has created, but which is quite inconsistent with the objective universe. Much of Crowley's behavior as an Ipsissimus (10)=[1] falls into this category."
from "O.T.O./A.'.A.'./Temple of Set", by Michael A. Aquino V', within 'The Scroll of Set', Issue Number 9, Volume I-9, May 1976, Copyright 1976 Temple of Set, article #3; double-quotes, bolding, and elipses left as they appeared in the original as presented within the PDF i have acquired.


The new 'Underground Satanic Bible' (PDF) make possible a key term search for quotation. here it is:
"During white magical ceremonies, the practitioners stand within a pentagram to protect themselves from the "evil" forces which they call upon for help. To the Satanist, it seems a bit two-faced to call on these forces for help, while at the same time protecting yourself from the very powers you have asked for assistance. The Satanist realizes that only by putting himself in league with these forces can he fully and unhypocritically utilize the Powers of Darkness to his best advantage.
"In a Satanic magical ceremony, the participants do NOT join hands and dance "ring around the rosy" in a circle; burn candles of various colors for various wishes; call out the names of "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" while supposedly practicing the Black Arts; pick a "Saint" for their personal guide in obtaining help for their problems; dunk themselves in smelly oils and hope the money comes in; meditate so they can arrive at a "great spiritual awakening"; recite long incantations with the name of Jesus thrown in for good measure, between every few words, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam!
"BECAUSE - This is NOT the way to practice Satanic magic. If you cannot divorce yourself from hypocritical self-deceit you will never be successful as a magician, much less a Satanist.
"The Satanic religion has not merely lifted the coin - it has flipped it completely over. Therefore, why should it support the very principles to which it is completely opposed by calling itself anything other than a name which is totally in keeping with the reversed doctrines which make up the Satanic philosophy?
"Satanism is not a white light religion; it is a religion of the flesh, the mundane, the carnal - all of which are ruled by Satan, the personification of the Left Hand Path."
from "The Satanic Bible", by Anton Szandor LaVey, Book of Lucifer, Chapter III: Some Evidence of the New Satanic Age.
"The candles used in Satanic ritual represent the light of Lucifer - the bearer of light, enlightenment, the living flame, burning desire, and the Flames of the Pit.
"Only black and white candles are to be used in Satanic ritual. Never use more than one white candle; but as many black candles as are required to illuminate the ritual chamber may be used. At least one black candle is placed to the left of the altar, representing the Powers of Darkness and the left-hand path. Other black candles are placed where needed for illumination. One white candle is placed to the right of the altar, representing the hypocrisy of white light "magicians" and the followers of the right-hand path. No other light source is to be used.
"Black candles are used for power and success for the participants of the ritual, and are used to consume the parchments on which blessings requested by the ritual participants are written. The white candle is used for destruction of enemies. Parchments upon which curses are written are burned in the flame of the white candle."
from "The Satanic Bible", Ibid., Book of Belial, Chapter V: The Satanic Ritual, Part C.
"The parchment is the means by which the written message or request can be consumed by the candle flame and sent out into the ether. The request is written on parchment or paper, read aloud by the priest, and then burned in the flame of either the black or white candle - whichever is appropriate for the particular request. Before the ritual begins curses are placed to the right of the priest, and charms or blessings are placed to the left of him."
from "The Satanic Bible", Ibid., Belial/V/C.
"Strengthen with fire the marrow of our friend and companion, our comrade of the Left-Hand Path."
from "The Satanic Bible", Ibid., Book of Leviathan, V.
I think that this demonstrates a few things including that, at least as initially conceived by LaVey and Co., the Left-Hand Path was associated with illumination and flame, Lucifer, power, success, and advancement. this seems to be fairly unidirectionally contrasted with the "hypocritical self-deceit" of those who only play at being magicians (those who cleave to the Right-Hand Path).
it is my impression that Aquino was a bigger fan of Aleister Crowley and of the construction of advancement schemes (one might compare the Temple of Set with the Golden Dawn, as compared with the O.T.O. or the E.G.C.; the Church of Satan is more of an ecclesiastic club akin to the E.G.C. contrariwise). it was in part over this difference that the Church of Satan (led by LaVey) and Temple of Set (led by Aquino) went their separate directions.-- self-ref (nagasiva yronwode) (talk)

Source of article : Wikipedia